First You Need To Get Serious!
First you need to make the decision to take action and eat better. You will not be successful at eating better unless you truly are SERIOUS about making a positive change to your eating habits. Without first making a DECISION to begin eating better, all other plans will fall through the cracks. You have to be SINCERE in your effort to start a healthy eating plan. Here is a 3 Step Plan you can put into action in 3 weeks! Take-on one step each week and in three weeks you will feel, look, and move better!
1) Clean-up Food Choices (No More Junk!) and Smaller Dinners
2) Clean-up Food Choices, Smaller Dinners, and Smaller Portions all day
3) 3 Meals, 3 Snacks, Every 3 Hours which each includes a Protein, *Carbohydrate, and Water
(* Carbohydrates: Breakfast = Complex Carbohydrate, Mid Morning Snack = Fruit, Lunch = Complex Carbohydrate, Late Afternoon Snack = Fruit, Dinner and Late Evening Snack = Vegetables)
Now Plug-in The Following Foods to the Plan and Only Eat Until Satisfied, Not Full!
Healthy Proteins:
Almonds, Walnuts, Chicken Breast, Chicken Burger, Turkey Breast, Turkey Burger, Pecans, Peanuts, Peanut Butter, Almond Butter, Salmon, Tuna Canned, Tuna Steaks, Flounder, Grouper, Halibut, Tilapia, Snapper, Shrimp, Eggs, Yogurt, Milk (low fat), Cottage Cheese (low fat), Cheese Sticks (low fat), Egg Substitutes, Soy, Soy Milk, Soy Nuts, Tofu, Beans (high in protein and some complex carbs), Lean Beef, Lean Steak
Oranges, Apples, Tangerines, Blackberries, Cherries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Lemon, Water Melon, Oranges, Peaches, Pears, Plums, Raspberries, Strawberries, Bananas, Honey Dew Melon, Cantaloupe, Nectarine, Mango, Guava, Papaya
Complex Carbohydrates:
Whole Wheat Pasta, Whole Wheat Spaghetti, Whole Grain Bread, Sweet Potatoes, Red Potatoes, Yams, Whole Wheat Macaroni, Whole Grain Pita Bread, Whole Grain Bagels, Whole Grain/High Fiber Cereals, All Bran, Oatmeal, Shredded Wheat, Muesli, Corn, Lima Beans, Peas, Quinoa, Other Beans (Beans have Protein and Complex Carbs)
Broccoli, Asparagus, Egg Plant, Kale, Green Peppers, Yellow Peppers, Red Peppers, Orange Peppers, Collard Greens, Cucumbers, Spinach Cooked, Spinach Raw for Salad, Iceberg Lettuce, Yellow Squash, Zucchini, Mushrooms, White Onions, Purple Onions, Red Onions, Scallions, Tomatoes, Avocados, Romaine Lettuce, Jalapeno Peppers, Banana Peppers, Sweet Pickles, Dill Pickles, Radishes, Turnip Greens, Green Beans, String Beans, Carrots, Cauliflower
You can do this! You can make this happen! You can feel, look, and move better! So all you have to do is follow these 3 steps and implement the right foods for the right meals and snacks every 3 hours. Do not eat until full, only satisfied! Drink plenty of water in moderation.
All this healthy eating really goes well with regular exercise and proper rest. Please combine a Healthy Exercise Plan, Healthy Eating Plan, and Healthy Rest Plan for best results! You can do this if you are really SERIOUS and DECIDE to act now! If you are SINCERE and really do this 3 Step Healthy Eating Plan, your results will be great!
The following is your Fitness Blueprint! I have developed this blueprint and use this with all of my One-On-One Personal Training clients, Small Group (Semi-Private) Personal Training clients, and Virginia Bootcamp clients every day! I also do my best to follow this blueprint personally. I hope this gives you an outline of what you can, and should be doing, to get healthier and build a better quality of life!
Exercise: Your Weekly Exercise Plan Blueprint should be as follows:
3 Days of Resistance Training for 30 Minutes with a Day off in between Workouts Example: Monday/Wednesday/Friday Resistance Training Workouts
3 Days of Cardiovascular Training for 30 Minutes with a Day off in between Wkts Example: Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday Cardiovascular Training Workouts
Stretch before, during, and after each of your workouts!
Nutrition: Your Daily Meal Plan Blueprint should be as follows:
Breakfast – (Lean Protein, Complex Carbohydrate, and Water)
Mid-Morning Snack – (Lean Protein, Fruit, and Water)
Lunch – (Lean Protein, Complex Carbohydrate, and Water)
Late Afternoon Snack – (Lean Protein, Fruit, and Water)
Dinner – (Lean Protein, Vegetable, and Water)
Nightly Snack - “Optional if Hungry and up late? (Lean Protein, Vegetable, and Water)
Healthy Grocery List Items to Plug into Your Daily Meal Plan Blueprint
Unsalted Peanuts, Natural Peanut Butter, Natural Almond Butter, Beans, Cottage Cheese, Canned Tuna, Chicken Breasts, Canned Chicken, Whey, Casein, and Soy Protein Shakes (low-carb / low-sugar), Fresh Halibut, Fresh Flounder, Tilapia, Unsalted Almonds, Low Fat or Skim Milk, Unsalted Walnuts, Low Calorie Cheese – Sliced and Stick, Eggs, Tuna Steaks, Low Sugar Yogurt, Buffalo, Bison, Rabbit, Deer/Venison, Soy Nuts, Soy Burgers,
Complex Carbohydrates:
Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, Whole Grain Breads and Bagels, Sweet Potatoes, Red Potatoes, White Potatoes, Whole Grain or Long Grain Rice, Brown Rice, Whole Wheat Pasta, Veggie Pasta, Kashi Cereals, Quinoa
Apples, Cherries, Peaches, Nectarines, Pears, Bananas, Blueberries, Strawberries, Papayas, Blackberries, Cranberries, Kiwi, Mangos, Plums, Grapefruits, Oranges, Tangerines, Pineapple, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Honeydew Melons
Fresh, Canned, or Frozen Green Beans, Fresh Cucumbers, Fresh, Canned, or Frozen Spinach, Salad in a Bag, Fresh Lettuce – Iceberg and Romaine, Fresh or Frozen Cauliflower, Fresh or Frozen Broccoli, Fresh, Canned, or Frozen Collard Greens, Fresh, Canned, or Frozen Turnip Greens, Canned or Fresh Asparagus, Tomatoes, Onions, Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Yellow Peppers, Red Peppers, Orange Peppers, Jalapeno Peppers,
Water, Coffee (low sugar/cream), Tea (Low sugar/cream), Fresh or Bottled Herbs and Seasonings without salt/sodium, Bottled Water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Low Calorie Italian Dressing, Balsamic Vinegar, No-Trans Fat Butter – Tub, Stick, or Squeezed, Cinnamon
Rest: Your Weekly Rest/Sleep Plan Blueprint should be as follows:
1) -Get 8 hours of sleep each night!
2) -Take a nap each afternoon, everyday!
3) -Take an hour for yourself each day to just chill and relax with your hobby of choice!
Nutrition Edition!
3 Step Plan in 3 Weeks
– Clean-up food choices
– Go to bed and Get-up same time everyday with 8hr goal
– Walk for 30 min. 3x week after dinner + 30 min. Resistance Training Workout 3x week + Stretching
- Clean-up food choices, smaller dinners, and smaller portions all day
– Go to bed and Get-up same time everyday with 8hr goal + get a nap for 30-90 minutes
– Walk for 45 min. 3x week after dinner + 45 min. Resistance Training Workout 3x week + Stretching
– 3 meals + 3 snacks of Protein, Carbohydrate (Complex, Fruit, Complex, Fruit, Veggies, and Veggies), and Water each day
– Go to bed and Get-up same time everyday with 8hr goal + get a nap for 30-90 minutes + get 30-60 min. for self each day
WEEK ONE (Nutrition):
Week ONE’s nutritional planning. In regards to nutritional planning the main focus is healthy eating.
I am not going to put you on some strict fad diet, a low-carb diet, none of that make sense. None of us can live on a low-carb or extreme fad diet forever. We have to make the right healthy choices and get back to the basics of proper eating, proper food timing, the proper foods at the proper times and the proper types of foods (the macronutrients as you’ve heard that term before - the protein, carbohydrate and fat). We’ve got to look at what the proper amounts of those are.
So for week ONE the only thing you have to do is clean-up food choices and by that I mean don’t go to fast food restaurants, don’t sit down with candy bars, don’t eat some chocolate or snacks or desserts and junk food, just get rid of junk, the chips, the pastries, the donuts.
Once you get rid of that that’s all you have to do for week ONE.
You got seven days in week ONE to do that.
Are you going to be perfect? No. Am I perfect with it? No. But I want you to clean up the food choices. If you don’t clean up those food choices it’s not going to work.
WEEK TWO (Nutrition):
As you have already cleaned up your food choices we are going to start looking at portion control. Week TWO is all about portion control.
Cleaning-up your food choices has already been done in week ONE.
So now week TWO again is portion control. I want you to have smaller dinners with some smaller portions all day. Smaller dinners are key.
I think the number one problem in America and in around the world is the size of the dinner. It’s not always what you eat for dinner. A lot of people eat pretty healthy foods but it’s huge amounts at night.
When I gained my biggest weight, when I got over 305 lbs at 15 years old my biggest problem was dinner. I was active all day but I have a three or four helping dinner and go to bed on and as one of my clients, who I love so much, Betty says you lay down and make fat after you do that. So after that big dinner all I did was lie down and make fat for the next twelve to fifteen hours I was sleeping. Then I’d get up and eat nothing for another 6-8 hours and my metabolism would barely be crawling.
I didn’t eat breakfast and I didn’t eat lunch the next day then my body was just conserving whatever fat I had because I was starving for another 12 to 15 hours before I eat again. Then I had this big monster dinner meal and would repeat that process. That process was killing me and it’s killing a lot of Americans and people all around the country.
All day, I just want you to cut back - if you usually eat three or four hamburgers or chicken sandwiches or turkey sandwiches cut it down to one or two - just start getting some portion control, so week TWO again is portion control. Do not Eat until Full, Only Satisfied. We’ve got to have portion control!
WEEK THREE (Nutrition):
If you look at week ONE you cleaned up your food choices.
Week TWO you have done portion control.
Week THREE builds on that and I am going to tell you what to eat now.
I am going to give you a list here so you can look at the proper protein choices, the proper carbohydrate choices and the third choice, water. This third choice is going against the grain of the fitness and nutrition industry.
Normally most trainers, dieticians and nutritionist say have healthy fats and that is right too. But the problem with having those healthy fats is that we also cheat, we are human beings. When we have these cheats/errors and we have other fats on top of the healthy fats it’s still too much fat. Fat has nine calories per gram whereas the healthy protein or healthy complex carbohydrate has about four calories per gram. That would do us an injustice for the nutrition plan. That would slow as down. So what I am doing is aiming high, knowing that we are going to cheat and we are going to mess up.
So I want you to have a protein, a carbohydrate and water for each meal or snack all day. You have three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). You have three snacks a day (midmorning, late afternoon and late evening – late evening only if you are hungry).
So again three meals, three snacks each of them have a little protein and a little carbohydrate and water. An example of this could be at breakfast - you could have an egg, a little oatmeal w/skim milk, and water - which you will see with the list of foods you can eat later.
The carbohydrates consist of 2 complex (Starchy) carbs (1 serving for Breakfast and 1 for Lunch), 2 Fruits (1 serving of fruit should be eaten for Mid-morning Snack and 1 for Late- Afternoon snack), and 2 Vegetables are the carbs for Dinner and the after dinner snack (if needed). Veggies are the low calorie option for the evenings. To recap, again for carbohydrate consumption you should integrate Complex, Fruit, Complex, Fruit, Veggie, and Veggie. My reasoning behind this carb plan is that you will get complex, slow burning and good energy carbs early on to fuel your day with some natural fruit sugars for added energy. Then as your day winds down and closer to bedtime, low calorie and low sugar veggies are implemented so there are no excess sugar spikes. Plus you get added fiber!
Breakfast could be a slice of whole grain bread-toasted with a creamy teaspoon of peanut butter or almond butter (all-natural) spread on it. You could have an egg with the sliced whole grain toast so you have enough protein and a healthy carb. You can have oatmeal with skim milk, the protein in the milk is the healthy protein and the oatmeal is a good complex carb and that’s given you good energy.
The idea is to have the energy you need throughout the day in small amounts and portion control and in clean choices. So we have three meals and three snacks a day and that third snack of the day meaning a couple of hours after dinner - that one is optional. That’s going to keep your blood sugar up. It’s going to keep you energetic all day and you are going to be healthier and feel better throughout the day. Your blood sugar levels will be good which means better energy, it’s good for if you are diabetic, it’s good for if you are hypoglycemic with low sugar.
You have to eat healthy like that and keep your blood sugar up.
Eat healthy like the following meal plan shows during the weekdays, then you can reward yourself with a few bad meals on the weekends. Another option is to do your best all the time, but when you have a cookout, birthday party, wedding, or other big event to attend with bad food, you can reward yourself.
If you are exercising each day you are in need of a constant supply of good food all day. Remember you cannot know how much to eat unless you know how much you are exercising!
Sample Daily Meal Plan 1
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – A Whole Egg with oatmeal and Small Glass of Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Low Sugar Strawberry Yogurt used for dipping Banana
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Turkey Breast with Brown Rice
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Low Sugar Strawberry Yogurt used for dipping Banana
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Grilled Tuna with Asparagus
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Small Handful of Unsalted Walnuts on Small Salad
Sample Daily Meal Plan 2
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Cream of Wheat with Glass of Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Low-Fat Cottage Cheese with Blueberries
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Whole Wheat wrap with Turkey and Low-Fat Cheese
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Low-Fat Cottage Cheese with Blueberries
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Baked Chicken Breast with Broccoli
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – A Low-Fat Cheese Stick with a Few Celery Sticks
Sample Daily Meal Plan 3
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Oatmeal with Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – ½ Banana with Low-Fat Yogurt
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Grilled Chicken Breast with small sweet potato
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Apple with ¼ handful of unsalted almonds
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Grilled Salmon with Asparagus
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Celery Sticks
Sample Daily Meal Plan 4
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Turkey Bacon with Egg and Whole Grain Toast
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Can of Tuna with Watermelon
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Grilled Chicken on Bed of Salad Greens with Whole Grain Crackers
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Mango with Low-Fat Cheese Sticks
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Broiled Salmon with Green Salad
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Celery Sticks w/ small Amount of Natural Peanut Butter
Sample Daily Meal Plan 5
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – 2 Slices of Whole Grain Bread, a Whole Egg and some Egg Whites
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Peaches with Low-Sugar Yogurt
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Sweet Potato with Broiled Turkey Burgers
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Can of Tuna with Watermelon
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Baked Tilapia with Cold Spinach Salad
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Plain Low Fat Yogurt used as Dip for Veggie Sticks
Sample Daily Meal Plan 6
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Slice of whole grain bread w/ teaspoon of peanut butter and Medium Glass of Low Fat or Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Mango with Low-Fat Cheese Sticks
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Whole Wheat Pasta with Boiled Shrimp
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Bit of High Fiber Whole Grain Cereal mixed w/low sugar apple sauce + Walnuts
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Grilled Chicken Breast with Sliced Cucumbers
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Plain Low Fat Yogurt used as Dip for Veggie Sticks
Sample Daily Meal Plan 7
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Healthy higher fiber cold cereal with low fat or Skim milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – A Couple of Low Fat Cheese Sticks and a Mango
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Grilled Tilapia with a Small Serving of Whole Wheat Pasta
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – 1 Cup of Low Sugar Yogurt with Strawberries
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Grilled Turkey Breast with Cooked Spinach with Dash of Vinegar
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Small serving of Canned Chicken with a Sliced Cucumber
Sample Daily Meal Plan 8
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Plain Oatmeal with a whole egg and some egg whites
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Half a handful of unsalted almonds and a half handful of blueberries
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Grilled Tuna Steak with a Medium Sweet Potato
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Low Fat Cottage Cheese with pineapple
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Chicken and Shrimp Stir Fry with Vegetable Medley
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – A Small Can of Tuna with some Raw Veggies
Sample Daily Meal Plan 9
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Whole Wheat Wrap with Peanut Butter and Small Glass of Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Half a handful of unsalted almonds and small apple
Meal 2 (Lunch) – 1 Peanut Butter sandwich on whole grain bread
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – 1 cup of lower sugar yogurt with a peach
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Grilled Turkey Burgers with Grilled Veggie Kabobs
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – A Low Fat Cheese Stick with some Cucumber Slices
Sample Daily Meal Plan 10
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Healthy higher fiber cold cereal with low fat or Skim milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – 1 cup of lower sugar yogurt with a banana
Meal 2 (Lunch) – 1 turkey sandwich (lots of turkey) with low fat cheese on whole grain bread
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Half a handful of unsalted almonds and small pear
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Grilled Turkey Burgers with Grilled Veggie Kabobs
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Celery Sticks with a small spread of Peanut Butter
Sample Daily Meal Plan 11
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – 1 Whole Egg, ½ Chicken Breast, and 1 Slice of Whole Grain Bread
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Unsalted Almonds with Pear
Meal 2 (Lunch) – 1 chicken breast sandwich on whole wheat/grain w/mustard and w/out mayo
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Apple Slices with teaspoon Peanut Butter
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Grilled Halibut with Cooked Zucchini and Yellow Squash
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Celery Sticks with Plain low-sugar yogurt for dipping
Sample Daily Meal Plan 12
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Cream of Wheat with 1 Whole Egg
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Walnuts (Unsalted) with an Orange
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Mozzarella and tomato sandwich (Whole wheat or grain)
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Half a handful of Unsalted Pecans and a half handful of Cherries
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Lean grilled pork chops w/ green beans
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Cucumber Sticks w/plain Yogurt for Dipping
Sample Daily Meal Plan 13
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Oatmeal with Turkey Bacon small glass of Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – ½ Handful Unsalted Almonds with Pear
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat or grain bread
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Half a handful of unsalted Pecans and an Orange
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Grilled chicken breast and asparagus
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Raw Cauliflower Sticks w/teaspoon of low fat Dip
Sample Daily Meal Plan 14
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Healthy higher fiber cold cereal with low fat or Skim milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – A Couple of Low Fat Cheese Sticks and a large Orange
Meal 2 (Lunch) – 1 Tablespoon Almond Butter on whole grain or wheat crackers
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Low Fat Cottage Cheese with a small Papaya
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Unsalted Pecans on Green Salad with Oil and Vinegar Dressing
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Raw Broccoli Sticks w/teaspoon of low fat Dip
Sample Daily Meal Plan 15
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – A Whole Grain English Muffin w/slice of low-fat cheese and Small Glass of Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – A Peach and a large teaspoon scoop of Peanut Butter
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Black Beans and Rice (brown or wild rice)
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Low Sugar Plain Yogurt used for dipping Peach Slices
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Grilled Shrimp with Asparagus and Mushrooms
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Small Handful of Unsalted Pecans on Small Salad
Sample Daily Meal Plan 16
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – A Whole Grain English Muffin w/peanut butter spread and Small Glass of Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Apple Slices with Almond Butter spread
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Red Beans and Rice (brown or wild rice)
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Low Sugar Plain Yogurt used for dipping Apple Slices
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Baked Scallops with Cabbage
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Small Handful of Unsalted Walnuts on Small Salad
Sample Daily Meal Plan 17
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – A Bran Cereal w/Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Pineapple with Low Fat Cottage Cheese
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Pinto Beans and 2 Slices Whole Grain Toast
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Low Sugar Blueberry Yogurt and a Plum
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Grilled Grouper with Fresh Onion, Cucumber, and Tomato Slices
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Small Low Sugar Yogurt and Celery Sticks
Sample Daily Meal Plan 18
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Puffed Wheat Cereal w/Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Mandarin Orange w/large teaspoon scoop of Almond Butter
Meal 2 (Lunch) – No Skin Cornish Hen with Sweet Potato
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Nectarine w/ strawberry yogurt
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Small Filet Mignon w/Mushrooms and Cold Spinach Salad
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Fresh Carrot Sticks w/Plain Yogurt Dip
Sample Daily Meal Plan 19
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Shredded Wheat Cereal w/Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Nectarine w/large teaspoon scoop of Peanut Butter
Meal 2 (Lunch) – No Skin, White Meat Rotisserie Chicken w/Brown Rice
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Mandarin Orange w/ blueberry yogurt
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Lean Flank Steak w/Cooked Summer Squash and Zucchini
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Fresh Broccoli Sticks with Plain Yogurt Dip
Sample Daily Meal Plan 20
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Whole Grain Waffles with Turkey Bacon and a Glass of Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Handful of Blackberries and Vanilla Yogurt
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Green Salad w/Egg Whites, Cucumbers, & Tomatoes & Whole Wheat Crackers plus Olive Oil and Vinegar Based Dressing
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – A Pear and a Handful of Almonds
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Turkey Sausage (low sodium) with Sauerkraut
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Cucumber Slices w/hot sauce and a few Unsalted Walnuts
Sample Daily Meal Plan 21
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – High Fiber Cereal with Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Handful of Blueberries and Plain Yogurt
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Green Salad w/Almonds, Cucumbers, & Tomatoes & Whole Wheat Crackers plus Olive Oil and Vinegar Based Dressing
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Low Fat Yogurt and Papaya
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Chicken Sausage (low sodium) with Sauerkraut
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Cucumber Slices w/a few Unsalted Almonds
Sample Daily Meal Plan 22
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – 1 Egg Yolk and 2 Egg Whites w Whole Grain Toast
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Handful of Strawberries and Vanilla Yogurt
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Green Salad w/Pecans, Cucumbers, & Tomatoes & Whole Wheat Crackers plus Olive Oil and Vinegar Based Dressing
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – 2 Plums with a Small Handful of Pecans
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Kidney Beans w/Grilled Eggplant and Fresh Tomato Slices
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Cucumber Slices w/a few Unsalted Pecans
Sample Daily Meal Plan 23
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Kashi Cereal with Low Fat or Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Handful of Cherries and Plain Yogurt
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Grilled Chicken Breast on a Green Salad w/Oil & Vinegar Dressing
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Apple w/Peanut Butter
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Eggs and Fresh Salsa with Sliced Cucumbers
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Veggie Sticks and Low Fat Yogurt
Sample Daily Meal Plan 24
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Turkey Bacon, Whole Grain Toast and a Glass of Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Handful of Unsalted Almonds and 1/2 Handful of Fresh Strawberries
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Grilled Turkey Burgers w/Brown Rice
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Mango Slices and ½ handful of Peanuts
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Homemade Chicken and Vegetable Soup
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Cucumber Slices w/ hot sauce w/small handful or Pecans
Sample Daily Meal Plan 25
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Whole Egg w/ Egg Whites and a Whole Grain Waffle
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Low Fat Cottage Cheese with Peaches
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Chicken Fajitas w/Corn or Whole Wheat Tortillas w/ Wild Rice
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – ½ Handful of Walnuts w/an Orange
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Homemade Turkey and Vegetable Soup
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Low Fat Yogurt used for Dipping Veggie Sticks
Sample Daily Meal Plan 26
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Plain Oatmeal and one Slice of Whole Grain Toast w/teaspoon of peanut butter
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Low Fat Cheese Stick and Papaya
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Grilled Fish with Sweet Potato
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – 1 Cup of Low Sugar Yogurt with Kiwi
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Baked Chicken with Steamed Asparagus
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Small Green Salad w/Small handful of Walnuts
Sample Daily Meal Plan 27
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Cream of Wheat, Multi Grain Toast and Small Glass of Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – ½ Handful of Peanuts and Mandarin Oranges
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Whole Wheat Turkey Wrap w/Oil & Vinegar Based Dressing
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Watermelon
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Green Salad w/Grilled Chicken Breast and Oil & Vinegar Dressing
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – 1 Cup of Low Fat Blueberry Yogurt w/small green salad
Sample Daily Meal Plan 28
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Whole Grain English Muffin w/Low Fat Cheese and Small Glass of Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Low Fat Cottage Cheese w/Blueberries
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Peanut Butter Sandwich on Whole Grain Bread
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Banana Slices w/Peanut Butter
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Lean Grilled Pork Chops with Grilled Squash and Zucchini
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Cucumber Slices w/Low Fat Yogurt Used for Dipping
Sample Daily Meal Plan 29
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Unsweetened Natural Granola w/Skim Milk
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Strawberries and ½ Handful of Almonds
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Kashi Bar with Yogurt
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Pear Slices with Peanut Butter spread
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Spinach Salad w/Oil & Vinegar Based Dressing w/ Broiled Turkey Burgers
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – 1 Cup of Low Fat Plain Yogurt w/cold raw carrots
Sample Daily Meal Plan 30
Meal 1 (Breakfast) – Cream of Wheat and Turkey Bacon
Snack 1 (Mid-Morning) – Papaya and 1 Low Fat Cheese Stick
Meal 2 (Lunch) – Chicken Fajitas and Small Green Salad with corn or whole wheat tortillas
Snack 2 (Late Afternoon) – Grapes & ½ Handful of Walnuts
Meal 3 (Dinner) – Grilled Salmon w/Steamed Vegetable Medley
Snack 3 (Late Evening) – Veggie Sticks w/Low Fat Yogurt
Meal/Snack Ideas
(From the Sample Daily Meal Plans)
Breakfast Ideas –
A Whole Egg with oatmeal and Small Glass of Skim Milk
Cream of Wheat with Glass of Skim Milk
Turkey Bacon with Egg and Whole Grain Toast
2 Slices of Whole Grain Bread with a Whole Egg and some Egg Whites
Slice of whole grain bread w/ teaspoon of peanut butter and Medium Glass of Low Fat or Skim Milk
Cream of Wheat hot cereal a glass of Low-Fat of Skim Milk
Health higher fiber cold cereal with low fat or Skim milk
Plain Oatmeal with a whole egg and some egg whites
Whole Wheat Wrap with Peanut Butter and Small Glass of Milk
Mid-Morning Snack Ideas –
Low Sugar Strawberry Yogurt used for dipping Banana
Low-Fat Cottage Cheese with Blueberries
Can of Tuna with Watermelon
Mango with Low-Fat Cheese Sticks
Peaches with Low-Sugar Yogurt
High Fiber Whole Grain Cereal crushed w/low sugar apple sauce + Walnuts
1 Cup of Low Sugar Yogurt with Strawberries
A Couple of Low Fat Cheese Sticks and a Mango
Half a handful of unsalted almonds and a half handful of blueberries
Low Fat Cottage Cheese with pineapple
1 cup of lower sugar yogurt with a peach
Half a handful of unsalted almonds and small apple
1 cup of lower sugar yogurt with a banana
Half a handful of unsalted almonds and small pear
Almonds with Pear
Apple Slices with Peanut Butter
Walnuts with an Orange
Half a handful of Unsalted Pecans and a half handful of Cherries
Half a handful of unsalted Walnuts and an orange
Lunch Ideas–
Turkey Breast with Brown Rice
Whole Wheat wrap with Turkey and Low-Fat Cheese
Grilled Chicken on Bed of Salad Greens with Whole Grain Crackers
Sweet Potato with Broiled Turkey Burgers
Whole Wheat Pasta with Boiled Shrimp
Grilled Tilapia with a Small Serving of Whole Wheat Pasta
Grilled Tuna Steak with a Medium Sweet Potato
1 Peanut Butter sandwich on whole grain bread
1 turkey sandwich (lots of turkey) with low fat cheese on whole grain bread
1 chicken breast sandwich on whole wheat/grain w/mustard and w/out mayo
Some lunch ideas: 8/18/05
Turkey sandwich (Whole wheat or whole grain bread)
Mozzarella and tomato sandwich (Whole wheat or grain)
Grilled chicken salad w/wheat crackers
Grilled turkey sandwich on whole wheat or grain
Grilled chicken sandwich on whole wheat or grain
Grilled turkey or chicken with small salad (prepare them in small containers for freshness)
Peanut butter on whole grain or wheat crackers
Peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat or grain bread
Apple slices with peanut butter
Yogurt with strawberries or blueberries
Toasted cheese sandwich with whole grain or wheat
Grilled white meat with small amount of veggie or whole-wheat pasta and vegetable
Make your own homemade chicken salad and have with whole wheat/grain crackers or bread
Lean meat with small sweet potato
Late Afternoon Snack Ideas –
Low Sugar Strawberry Yogurt used for dipping Banana
Low-Fat Cottage Cheese with Blueberries
Can of Tuna with Watermelon
Mango with Low-Fat Cheese Sticks
Peaches with Low-Sugar Yogurt
High Fiber Whole Grain Cereal crushed w/low sugar apple sauce + Walnuts
1 Cup of Low Sugar Yogurt with Strawberries
A Couple of Low Fat Cheese Sticks and a Mango
Half a handful of unsalted almonds and a half handful of blueberries
Low Fat Cottage Cheese with pineapple
1 cup of lower sugar yogurt with a peach
Half a handful of unsalted almonds and small apple
1 cup of lower sugar yogurt with a banana
Half a handful of unsalted almonds and small pear
Almonds with Pear
Apple Slices with Peanut Butter
Walnuts with an Orange
Half a handful of Unsalted Pecans and a half handful of Cherries
Half a handful of unsalted Walnuts and an orange
Dinner Ideas –
Grilled Tuna with Asparagus
Baked Chicken Breast with Broccoli
Broiled Salmon with Green Salad
Baked Tilapia with Cold Spinach Salad
Grilled Chicken Breast with Sliced Cucumbers
Grilled Turkey Breast with Cooked Spinach with Dash of Vinegar
Chicken and Shrimp Stir Fry with Vegetable Medley
Grilled Turkey Burgers with Grilled Veggie Kabobs
Grilled Halibut with Cooked Zucchini and Yellow Squash
Salmon baked or grilled and a Spinach Salad
Lean grilled pork chops w/ green beans
Grilled chicken breast and asparagus
Tofu with Veggies
Pecans on Green Salad with Oil and Vinegar Dressing
Walnuts on Salad
Baked or grilled Turkey breast and broccoli
Grilled Chicken, Shrimp, Onion, Pepper, and Cherry Tomato Kabobs
Nightly Snack Ideas –
Small Handful of Walnuts on Small Salad
A Low-Fat Cheese Stick with a Few Celery Sticks
Celery Sticks w/ small Amount of Natural Peanut Butter
Plain Low Fat Yogurt used as Dip for Veggie Sticks
Small serving of Canned Chicken with a Sliced Cucumber
A Small Can of Tuna with some Raw Veggies
A Low Fat Cheese Stick with some Cucumber Slices
Celery Sticks with a small spread of Peanut Butter
Celery Sticks with Plain low-sugar yogurt for dipping
Healthy Grocery List Items
Unsalted Peanuts, Natural Peanut Butter, Natural Almond Butter, Beans, Cottage Cheese, Canned Tuna, Chicken Breasts, Canned Chicken, Whey, Casein, and Soy Protein Shakes (low-carb / low-sugar), Fresh Halibut, Fresh Flounder, Tilapia, Unsalted Almonds, Low Fat or Skim Milk, Unsalted Walnuts, Low Calorie Cheese – Sliced and Stick, Eggs, Tuna Steaks, Low Sugar Yogurt, Buffalo, Bison, Rabbit, Deer/Venison, Soy Nuts, Soy Burgers,
Complex Carbohydrates:
Oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, Whole Grain Breads and Bagels, Sweet Potatoes, Red Potatoes, White Potatoes, Whole Grain or Long Grain Rice, Brown Rice, Whole Wheat Pasta, Veggie Pasta, Kashi Cereals, Quinoa
Apples, Cherries, Peaches, Nectarines, Pears, Bananas, Blueberries, Strawberries, Papayas, Blackberries, Cranberries, Kiwi, Mangos, Plums, Grapefruits, Oranges, Tangerines, Pineapple, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Honeydew Melons
Fresh, Canned, or Frozen Green Beans, Fresh Cucumbers, Fresh, Canned, or Frozen Spinach, Salad in a Bag, Fresh Lettuce – Iceberg and Romaine, Fresh or Frozen Cauliflower, Fresh or Frozen Broccoli, Fresh, Canned, or Frozen Collard Greens, Fresh, Canned, or Frozen Turnip Greens, Canned or Fresh Asparagus, Tomatoes, Onions, Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Yellow Peppers, Red Peppers, Orange Peppers, Jalapeno Peppers,
Healthy Fats:
Canola Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Safflower Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Fish Oils
Water, Coffee (low sugar/cream), Tea (Low sugar/cream), Fresh or Bottled Herbs and Seasonings without salt/sodium, Bottled Water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Low Calorie Italian Dressing, Balsamic Vinegar, No-Trans Fat Butter – Tub, Stick, or Squeezed, Cinnamon